Monday, July 28, 2008

Lack of updates remedied

So a bit of recapping the past few weeks

I moved in with Kari. That has gone great.
Got in a bike wreck, not so great.
Finished my single speed bike-needs stickers and a pic on the blog.
Bought some new is wicked if you get lucky.
Went on a road trip
Got a flat car tire on my way to wandering wednesday. When I was ride leader no less. Didn't make it there.
Bought new tires for my car on account of the flat.
Watched Carlos Sas-"TRAY" (as bob roll says it) win the tour de france. Also saw Christian Vande Velde ride to 5th overall - a great race for him.
Started swimming again. I definitely want to do tris. Week 2 of the swim program starts today.

That's all for today. Hopefully the pool doesn't hurt too bad on the road rash.

1 comment:

DIRK said...

Welcome back! I was worried you were never going to blog again.